Memories from a Holiday

I’ve been seeing the chap for a little while now, and not long ago he took me away for a dirty weekend (well, Monday – Wednesday) in a lovely hotel near Hay-On-Wye. I’ve been trying to blog about it in some sort of chronological order, but so much happened, I think I am just going […]

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Good Stuff – January 2016

I want to try to blog each month, looking back at the good things that have happened over the previous month. It’s part of my plan to keep focussed on the positive things in my life, without letting the negative stuff and stresses overwhelm me. So, in no particular order, here are my good memories […]

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The Top Who Wasn’t

The following is a guest post that I feel honoured to share, but before I do I want to try and explain what this post means to me. You see, it’s a beautiful blog post written for me by The Chap, about a particularly special night we spent together over the holidays. It talks about […]

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New Year, New Me?

Last year was a tough year. It started with the knowledge that the project that Pandora and I had poured a lot of ourselves into would have to be postponed for an indefinite amount of time. In November of 2014, we had planned for a launch date in April 2015, and as things stand now, […]

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KOTW – Anonymous Sex

My 26th birthday is a night that I doubt I’ll ever forget. It was a seriously intense night from start to finish, even before we’d left the house on our way to the swingers club we visited often. But the real fun started once we arrived. We’d been there several times before, knew the people […]

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Kink of the Week – Urolagnia

wrote this several weeks ago when the Kink of the Week *was* actually Urolagnia, but for some reason, entirely failed to publish it.  So, here it is, very late, but still interesting (I hope!) Urolagnia. A fetish which sexual excitement is associated with the sight or thought of urine or urination A simple enough concept, […]

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Bigger is Good

This is another one of those posts where I start by saying “when I started producing porn, I wasn’t doing it to make a statement”. I started producing porn because it seemed like an enjoyable way for me to make a living. But I am still realising that the content I make is radical on […]

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