My Body Is Powerful

Despite my love of humiliation play based around my size, I do get insecure about the way I look from time to time. My body is bigger than I’d like, and it doesn’t always allow me to do the things I want, or to do those things for as long as I’d like. There’s times […]

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KOTW – Blood Play

I love blood play. And it’s difficult to explain why without turning into a puddle! I remember the first bit of porn that got me interested in needle play and blood play, and that was an old movie called The Proposal – Part 2. I can still remember the scene now. As viewers, we […]

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KOTW – Crying

When I started doing BDSM, it was very rare that I played a scene that didn’t leave me crying, it was just how every scene was expected to go.  Now, I cry more rarely, and when I do, it’s because I’ve chosen to. When I was younger, engaging in BDSM, I was bottling up a […]

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Fat Pig

I love humiliation.  Or rather, I love things that most people would view as humiliation. I love when The Boss calls me a “fat pig”, when he tells me I’m a disgusting slut, that I’m filthy, and perverted, and wrong.  Because I am all those things.  But I feel no shame in being the things […]

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The Personal Cost

Guilt and self care This weekend, I’ve barely spent any time at my desk, and I have to be honest, I have felt a little guilty about it. I’ve retweeted a few links to articles, and of course, the link to the petition to repeal the new porn legislation, but apart from that, I’ve been […]

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New Legislation

I was looking forward to writing a nice blog about last week’s location shoot, and sharing lots of photos with you all.  And I am going to do that, but I feel that I need to blog about what has happened since I got home first. For anyone who doesn’t know, on the first of […]

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Headshaving – During

I’ve already written about the whys and the preparation for my headshaving scene here The day of the shoot arrived, and I have to admit to being a bit of a mess. I got up early to wash my long hair for the last time, and then did the last bits of packing I needed […]

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