Long Term Relationships

I’ve been in “long term relationships” in the past, but they always started to break down at around the 18 month mark, and by 2 years, the relationship was over. Then I’d be single for a couple of months, before starting the next relationship, and the cycle would repeat itself. Looking back, I know exactly what the problem was and why my relationships were so unhealthy, and that was because I was scared of being alone.

I’ve been with The Boss now for a little over 2 years, and R a little under 2 years, and though we have had our ups and downs we are all still going stronger than ever. I put a big part of this down to the fact that I wasn’t looking for a relationship when I met them. I was more than happy being single, and having a few close friends that I played with, I didn’t feel like I needed a Dom to complete me, or look after me, or anything like that. I was growing as a strong, independant person, and meeting The Boss and R, I didn’t need them to complete my life, but to enrich what was already a pretty damned good life. I didn’t have to make comprimises to fit in with a relationship because I was so desperate to be in a relationship. I am myself and that’s what they love about me.

The Boss, R and The Crazy Lady all encourage me in my goals and aims, as well as supporting me through the rough times (and putting up with barely seeing me through the busy times). They dont want to chage me, unless I want to change and that is an important thing in a relationship. I have grown so much in the past 2 years, and I couldn’t have done half of what I’ve acheived without their love and support.

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