I’ve just spend the past couple of days travelling up and down the country (well, to Romford and back with a couple of stops on the way) shooting two cute new girls flashing their way around town for UK Flashers. It was great fun, and I got to catch up with a friend for a few glasses of wine over dinner as well, but I am utterly exhausted now.
The combination of 2 early starts, a late night with wine, and 2, 6 hour days of walking has left me feeling drained, achey, and with very, very sore feet! I was hoping for a bit of a lay in this morning, but I was wide awake at 7, and didn’t manage to get back to sleep again, and gave up on the idea after watching an episode of Angel, and then one of Buffy (I know, I know…. I missed out on both of these series when I was growing up, so R is taking the time now to get me aquainted with her favourite programmes!) I really can’t face heading home just yet, and sitting staring at editing and design work, so am snuggled up on The Boss’ sofa watching trashy daytime tv and trying to have a quick nap.
Superscrimpers is proving to be an interesting programme to watch, though I wonder how many of their ideas are practical! Sure, if you strictly look at the financial costs, then making your own clothes might be cheaper than buying, but when you factor the time in, then that changes a lot!! As someone who is self employed, my time is worth quite a lot, so adding that up, it probably does work out cheaper to just buy my clothes – especially when you figure in my total lack of dressmaking skills!!!
I am slowly learning to use my time more effectively these days – to allow myself more “down time” and more stress free time with The Boss and R. Knowing that I’m on top of my work for the week, allows me and The Boss to spend some quality time together on Fridays, and R and I get quality time together too, where I’m not worried about approaching deadlines and if i’m going to make them. Keeping more on top of my working hours is really allowing me to appreciate the free time I have. I’m taking more time to look after myself, and that in turn, allows me to be more productive in my working hours.
I know these things might seem to be obvious, but it’s taken me quite a while to learn how to balance work and life, and I still struggle at times. There will always be times when I have huge deadlines very close together, and have to shut myself away to meet them, but they are getting fewer and further between as I get more and more on top of my workload. And if I look after myself more the rest of the time, I’ll be able to get through those times more and more easily each time.
And who knows, I might end up with enough free time that I can make myself some dresses!!