New Year, New Me?

Last year was a tough year. It started with the knowledge that the project that Pandora and I had poured a lot of ourselves into would have to be postponed for an indefinite amount of time. In November of 2014, we had planned for a launch date in April 2015, and as things stand now, we still have hours of content that we are passionate about, sitting, unedited, on hard drives.

Knowing that the work I do was suddenly being legislated against made it hard to keep going. Spells of depression, along with the knowledge that everything I’ve worked for these past years could suddenly be pulled out from under me tends to lead to less desire to express myself creatively. Add to that the long, drawn out ending of a relationship which was also something which had inspired me personally, and professionally, and it’s no surprise that my increased isolation has caused my drive to create new content has been at an all time low.

But I am not allowing myself to dwell on the difficulties of 2015.

2016 started with a small group of friends, drinking, talking, and singing into the early hours of the morning. The only downside being that The Chap could not join us. But spending time around open minded, kinky, queer people has shown me how important that is to me. How much I need people around me to talk kink and gender with. How much it revitalises me and energises me.

I am facing forwards, looking at what the next 12 months are going to bring me. I don’t have any big goals to hit this year, no new projects to launch, no big changes coming. But that means I can focus on what I already have. I can work on building my site back up to where I know it can be. I can focus on my kink, and sharing that with others. I can explore with new people, and re-find my creative drive. I can write again, film again, enjoy photography again, find my sex drive as well, maybe!

So, no big new year’s resolutions here, other than to just keep doing the little things that lead to a happier, healthier Nimue.

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