On my shoot last week, I did something new and controversial. It was exciting and scary, and unlike last time one of my photosets attracted controversy, I knew that this photoset would draw positive and negative comments while I was shooting it. I almost backed out of it on my way to the studio. I knew I was opening myself up for comments, for being told that I was wrong and that I should do things differently, and I have recieved those messages since posting the set.
So, I hear you ask, what was this wildly out there thing that I took photos of?
It was this :
Yup, that’s me, unshaved.
I realised, when I was in the shower the night before my shoot, that I’d not shaved in about a month. Life had gotten in the way, house hunting, Christmas, illness and then catching up on work had left me with out the energy to shave. Then I realised that I’d quite gotten used to it. And that I quite liked the feeling of having hair. I started shaving when I was young, and have continued to keep it shaved since then partially through personal preference, and partially due to the preferences of my partners, and I honestly cannot remember the last time I had left it this long!
I’ve never had photos taken of me with hair, and I decided that I was going to leave it for this shoot, so I could see what I look like. It was a lovely moment when I decided, but as soon as I did, I got very nervous. What if people didn’t like it? What if I didn’t like how I looked?
It’s difficult to put yourself out there, to show every part of yourself off to the public, but that’s what I’ve chosen to do through my site. And over the past few months, I’ve made the decision to shoot things that I wouldn’t have a year ago, because I was too worried about what others would think. But just producing the content that I think people want doesn’t give an accurate view of the things I enjoy. And right now, I’m enjoying having a hairy cunt, so I’m going to share that with the world.
I’m really pleased with how the photos have come out (you can see more here ) and my only regret is actually that I didn’t leave it longer – that I didn’t have MORE hair!
So….. Am I only ever going to shoots unshaved in the future? No. Am I only ever going to be shaved from here onwards? No. I like both. Being shaved allows for sensations I can’t get with hair in the way, and I can’t get that wonderful tugging from someone pulling on my hair unless I have hair there. So I imagine that I’ll keep going with both, and enjoy the variety!!