Help Us Fight

It’s now been two months since legislation came in which makes most of what I do illegal, and there’s currently no sign that it is going to change in the near future.  The other thing that’s not changed is my decision to fight.  To not allow the government to censor the work I do, the work I believe to be incredibly important.  I will continue to produce the same kinky content as I always have.

But fighting isn’t going to be easy, and could potentially end with myself, and other UK fetish producers ending up in court.  If that happens, we will need on the support of Backlash, who are fighting against the new legislation, as well as doing amazing work defending freedom of sexual expression.  However, Backlash require donations to be able to maintain a legal fund to help those in need.

With that in mind, Pandora came up with an idea, which both raises money for Backlash, and says a big “fuck you” to the legislation at the same time.  We decided to both put our bottoms up on the line, and do what we do best – make a film where we each recieve a hard cane stroke for each £10 raised, as well as offering other perks to those who donate.

However, we didn’t expect that less than 24 hours after announcing the campaign, we would already be at 176% of our £500 target!  I think “utterly stunned” would sum up our reactions, to be honest!  But we’re going to keep going, and see just how much we can raise, and are currently discussing some potential stretch goals.

The biggest problem with the amazing popularity became pretty obvious pretty soon, though.  At the monent, Pandora and I stand to recieve 44 hard cane strokes each.  Now, we both love the cane, but even we have limits!  Never fear though, we are currently talking with a few other kinky performers about them stepping in and taking some of the strokes for us, and we have already confirmed that my lovely Rosie will be joining in the caning if we get to £1,000.

So, want to see a film where Pandora, Rosie and I all recieve some hard cane strokes, while also doing some good in the world?  Go check this out, and donate what you can!

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